Bespoke marketing website

Helping you put customers at the heart of your business

Organisational proposition

How unique is your current business proposition, have you tested is against your competitors'?

Do you think your proposition is compelling and memorable to your customers?

Is your proposition clearly defined and shared across your organisation in a way that all your staff can engage with this?

Developing a business proposition which is distinct, relevant and motivating is one of the most critically important activities for any organisation. Bespoke Marketing has extensive experience in working with organisations to help them develop a clearly expressed and compelling proposition that fits the business objective and addresses real market needs.

In short, a proposition helps succinctly define your business offer. We will also support you in how you can involve your employees in developing the proposition in a way that they also buy into it and enhance how it is demonstrated to the customer.

Typically our work will involve some of the following:

  • talking to senior managers and staff to understand the extent and perceived strength of your current proposition
  • assessing your proposition against your competitors
  • reviewing your proposition against known customer requirements and priorities
  • identifying appropriate stages in adapting your proposition if necessary, possibly identifying gaps in knowledge
  • testing possible new propositions against competitors' and amongst customers, stakeholders and employees
  • identifying how employees and the organisation can best demonstrate and communicate its proposition.
Organisational proposition

Case studies

Ashridge Business School - one of the top providers of tailored management development programmes
The Wedding Centre is the largest independent wedding retailer in the UK.